Over time, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies have gained significant interest as a guiding framework for sustainable and responsible business practices.

 While traditionally seen as a moral imperative, ESG has proven to be much more than that. In fact, adopting a robust ESG strategy can have a profound impact on a business’s profitability and long-term success. Here are some examples of how these principles create value for businesses in the modern era.

Enhanced Reputation and Brand Value

 In today’s modern society, with its heightened social awareness, stakeholders such as consumers, investors, and employees have become increasingly attracted to businesses that prioritize sustainability, ethics, and social responsibility.

 By incorporating ESG principles into their operations, these businesses can build a strong reputation and brand image that resonates with these stakeholders. This enhanced reputation not only attracts customers but also helps in attracting and retaining top talent, as employees seek meaningful work and a sense of purpose.


Accenture, a global management consulting company, believes that the ESG principles are no longer a ‘nice-to-have strategy but rather a ‘must-have’ strategy’.

Therefore, it has made sustainability a priority through its “Sustainable Business Strategy” program. This includes initiatives to reduce carbon emissions, promote diversity and inclusion, and engage in responsible corporate citizenship. By integrating diversity and inclusion into its ESG strategy through the “Diversity & Inclusion 360” initiative, Accenture has achieved impressive results.

These include a 20% increase in employee engagement, a 17% increase in customer satisfaction, and a 20% increase in shareholder value. Accenture’s commitment to diversity has also earned it a spot on Forbes’ list of “Best Employers for Diversity.”

Improved Risk Management

 ESG factors have a direct impact on a company’s risk profile. Climate change, resource scarcity, pollution, and other environmental issues can have severe consequences on a company’s operations, supply chain, and even its license to operate.

 Similarly, social and governance risks, such as labor practices, diversity and inclusion, and community relations, can impact a company’s social license, employee morale, and customer loyalty.

 By incorporating ESG strategies, businesses can identify and mitigate these risks proactively, reducing the potential for costly disruptions and reputation damage.


Nestlé, a multinational food and beverage company, recognized that its operations, supply chain, and reputation could be impacted by various ESG factors, including water scarcity, responsible sourcing, and social compliance.

To address these risks, Nestlé implemented several ESG initiatives. The company established its “Creating Shared Value” approach, which focuses on creating long-term value for both shareholders and society. Nestlé committed to responsible water management, aiming to ensure water availability and quality in the communities where it operates.

By integrating ESG considerations into its business strategy, Nestlé has demonstrated a proactive approach to risk management. The company’s commitment to sustainability, responsible sourcing, and community engagement has not only reduced operational risks but has also strengthened its reputation, attracting conscious consumers and investors who value ESG performance.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Savings

 ESG strategies often lead to increased operational efficiency and cost savings. For instance, adopting energy-efficient technologies, reducing waste generation, and optimizing resource usage can result in lower utility bills and decreased production costs.

 Additionally, sustainable supply chain management practices can enhance resilience, reduce material waste, and improve logistics, leading to cost reductions and improved profitability.

By prioritizing ESG principles, businesses can identify and implement innovative solutions that drive efficiency gains and create a competitive advantage.


Microsoft’s strong commitment to sustainability and its ESG policies have brought significant benefits, particularly in terms of operational efficiency and cost savings. By setting ambitious goals to become carbon negative by 2030,  investing in renewable energy projects, it’s “Closed-loop Recycling program”, Microsoft has successfully reduced its carbon footprint, improved energy efficiency, and minimized waste generation.

These efforts have not only contributed to a more sustainable future but have also had a positive impact on the company’s bottom line. Microsoft’s ESG initiatives have resulted in a remarkable $10 billion increase in sales, indicating that sustainability measures can generate tangible financial benefits.

By prioritizing operational efficiency and cost savings through it’s ESG policies, Microsoft has demonstrated that responsible business practices go hand in hand with financial success.

Access to Capital and Investment Opportunities

Investors and financial institutions are increasingly integrating ESG considerations into their decision-making processes. Companies that can demonstrate robust ESG performance are more likely to access capital, secure favourable loan terms, and attract investments from ESG-focused funds.

 Furthermore, integrating ESG metrics into financial reporting can enhance transparency and provide stakeholders with a clearer understanding of a company’s long-term value creation potential.

 By aligning with ESG standards, businesses can not only tap into a growing pool of sustainable investment opportunities but also gain a competitive edge.


Unilever, a multinational consumer goods company, has made significant strides in sustainability, social responsibility, and governance.

Some of the initiatives taken by the company include, planning on net-zero emissions by 2039, “Sustainable Living Plan” which include initiates to support small farmers, “Unstereotype Alliance” which is a partnership aimed at promoting gender equality and challenging stereotypes in advertising and media, and “Domestos Toilet Academy” and “Lifebuoy” initiatives through which Unilever works to improve hygiene and sanitation in communities, particularly in developing regions among others.

By prioritizing ESG factors, Unilever has not only gained recognition for its commitment to environmental sustainability, but it has also attracted a growing number of ESG-focused investors. As a result, the company has witnessed improved access to capital and has been able to secure favourable loan terms.

Innovation and New Market Opportunities

 ESG strategies can act as a catalyst for innovation, enabling businesses to identify new market opportunities and develop sustainable products and services.

 Consumer preferences are shifting towards eco-friendly and socially responsible options, creating demand for sustainable solutions across various sectors.

 By embracing ESG principles, companies can attract customers and other stakeholders who are willing to pay a premium for products and services that align with their values. This opens up new revenue streams and strengthens market positioning in the face of changing consumer expectations.


Costco’s, the renowned American retail giant, aim, as stated in its 2020 ESG Report, is to establish a sustainable supply chain that delivers benefits to its members, suppliers, and the environment. The company has proactively implemented numerous ESG initiatives, such as waste reduction and the promotion of sustainable agriculture.

In line with its commitment to sustainability, Costco has launched the “Sustainable Business Strategy” program, which encompasses efforts to minimize waste, foster sustainability throughout its supply chain, and invest in renewable energy sources.

The outcomes of Costco’s ESG endeavors have been highly rewarding. Notably, the company has observed a significant 20% surge in customer satisfaction, reflecting the positive response to its sustainable practices and the enhanced shopping experience provided. Additionally, there has been a notable 15% increase in employee engagement, indicative of a more motivated and committed workforce. This heightened engagement likely stimulates innovation within the organization, leading to fresh ideas and approaches that open doors to new market opportunities.

Regulatory Compliance and License to Operate

ESG factors are increasingly being integrated into regulatory frameworks worldwide. Governments and regulatory bodies are implementing stricter environmental regulations, labor standards, and governance requirements.

By proactively addressing ESG considerations, businesses can ensure compliance with evolving regulations and continue their operations without additional hurdles.

 Facing legal and financial problems, reputational damage, and loss of business opportunities are just some of the risks a company faces by failing to meet these standards. By embracing ESG, businesses can stay ahead of regulatory changes and ensure long-term viability.


Following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, BP, a multinational energy company, faced intense scrutiny and legal challenges, which significantly impacted its reputation and operations.

In response, BP implemented a comprehensive set of ESG measures aimed at preventing similar incidents and addressing environmental concerns. These were the “Operating Management System (OMS)” to enhance safety practices and risk management across its operations, the “Gulf of Mexico Environmental Restoration Program” to address the environmental damage caused by the oil spill among others. Along with these initiatives, the company invested heavily in safety protocols, risk management systems, and environmental protection initiatives. 

These efforts not only helped BP regain regulatory compliance but also demonstrated its commitment to responsible operations. As a result, BP was able to rebuild trust with regulators, stakeholders, and the communities it operates in, securing its license to operate in various regions around the world.

To conclude, there are hundreds, if not thousands of benefits to be gained from this growing industry and way of business.

As our world faces pressing environmental and social challenges, businesses must recognize the commercial benefits and relevance of ESG strategies to not only enhance their operations but to also build a strong foundation for an environment-friendly and culturally sensitive society.

Published On: July 20th, 2023 / Categories: Uncategorized /