For Businesses

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors are essential for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Companies that prioritize ESG issues are often better equipped to manage risks and identify new opportunities, which can ultimately lead to greater financial success and long-term sustainability. Moreover, there is growing demand from consumers, investors, and other stakeholders for companies to be more transparent and accountable for their impact on the environment and society. Companies that are seen to be actively addressing ESG issues are often perceived as more trustworthy and responsible, which can lead to increased brand loyalty and positive public perception. As a result, ESG is becoming an essential consideration for businesses that want to succeed in the long-term and build a sustainable, responsible business.

Our Services

  • Baseline ESG Assessment
  • ESG materiality analysis (risk assessment)
  • Calculate carbon footprint
  • Offset carbon footprint
  • ESG strategy
  • ESG reporting
For Businesses
For Financial Sector & Capital Markets

For Financial Sector & Capital Markets

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations are increasingly important for the financial sector. Financial institutions have a unique role to play in driving sustainable development and managing ESG risks, as they provide financing and investment opportunities for businesses across all sectors. Incorporating ESG factors into investment decisions can help financial institutions identify risks and opportunities, enhance returns, and improve long-term sustainability. Additionally, investors are increasingly demanding that financial institutions consider ESG issues when making investment decisions. As a result, financial institutions that prioritize ESG factors are often better positioned to attract capital, retain clients and manage reputational and regulatory risks. Ultimately, ESG considerations are becoming essential for the financial sector as it seeks to promote sustainable development and drive positive social and environmental impact.

Our Services

  • ESG assessment at portfolio level
  • SDG impact assessment
  • Quantifying financial impact of ESG factors
  • Carbon footprint at the portfolio level
  • Portfolio risk analysis
  • ESG strategy
  • ESG reporting

For Philanthropic Institutions

Philanthropic institutions, such as foundations and charities, are increasingly incorporating ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations into their investment and grant-making strategies. By incorporating ESG factors, philanthropic institutions can help drive positive social and environmental impact while also managing risks and enhancing financial returns. Moreover, incorporating ESG considerations into grant-making can help ensure that philanthropic resources are directed towards organizations and initiatives that align with the institution’s mission and values. In addition, philanthropic institutions that prioritize ESG factors are often better positioned to attract and retain donors and demonstrate their commitment to social and environmental responsibility. As a result, ESG considerations are becoming essential for philanthropic institutions that want to maximize their impact and achieve their social and environmental objectives.

Our Services

  • ESG assessment at portfolio level
  • SDG impact assessment
  • Calculate carbon footprint
  • Invest in impact-driven projects
  • Invest in climate projects
  • ESG strategy
  • ESG reporting
For Philanthropic Institutions