Introduction to BRSR Framework

The Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework was introduced by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in 2012 to encourage companies to disclose their sustainability and social responsibility practices. The framework requires companies to report on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance and disclose information on their impact on society and stakeholders. The objective of BRSR reporting is to promote sustainable and responsible business practices and encourage companies to integrate sustainability and social responsibility into their core business strategy. The BRSR framework consists of various categories and sub-categories that companies must report on, and it provides guidelines and reporting requirements to ensure uniformity and transparency in reporting.

BRSR guidelines and reporting requirements

The BRSR framework provides guidelines and reporting requirements for companies to disclose their sustainability and social responsibility practices. Some of the key guidelines and requirements include:

  1. Reporting format: Companies are required to follow a specific reporting format provided by SEBI, which includes various categories and sub-categories related to environmental, social, and governance performance.

  2. Materiality assessment: Companies must conduct a materiality assessment to identify the most significant sustainability and social responsibility issues that are relevant to their business operations.
  3. Stakeholder engagement: Companies must engage with stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and local communities, to understand their expectations and concerns related to sustainability and social responsibility.
  4. Management systems: Companies must establish and implement management systems to manage their sustainability and social responsibility risks and opportunities.
  5. Performance indicators: Companies must report on their performance against specific sustainability and social responsibility indicators, including energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, waste management, labor practices, human rights, and community development.
  6. Board oversight: Companies must ensure that their board of directors has oversight over the company’s sustainability and social responsibility practices, and they must report on the board’s role in overseeing these practices.
  7. External assurance: Companies may choose to obtain external assurance on their sustainability and social responsibility report to enhance the credibility and reliability of the information disclosed.

Categories and sub-categories of BRSR framework

The BRSR framework consists of various categories and sub-categories that companies must report on. These categories and sub-categories are:

  1. General Disclosures: This category includes information on the company’s profile, governance structure, and business model.
  2. Environmental: This category includes information on the company’s environmental performance, such as energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, waste management, and biodiversity.
  3. Social: This category includes information on the company’s social performance, such as labor practices, human rights, product responsibility, and community development.
  4. Governance: This category includes information on the company’s governance practices, such as board composition, risk management, and stakeholder engagement.
  5. Specific Disclosures: This category includes information on specific issues that are material to the company’s operations and stakeholders, such as climate change, gender diversity, and supply chain management.

Each of these categories includes several sub-categories that companies must report on. For example, the Environmental category includes sub-categories such as Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Water, and Biodiversity. The Social category includes sub-categories such as Human Rights, Labor Practices, Product Responsibility, and Community Development. By reporting on these categories and sub-categories, companies can provide stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of their sustainability and social responsibility practices.

Importance of BRSR reporting for companies

BRSR reporting is becoming increasingly important for companies for several reasons:

  1. Stakeholder expectations: Stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, and regulators, are increasingly expecting companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. BRSR reporting provides a platform for companies to disclose their sustainability and social responsibility practices, and it helps them meet stakeholder expectations.
  2. Risk management: Companies face various environmental, social, and governance risks that can impact their financial performance and reputation. BRSR reporting helps companies identify and manage these risks, and it enables them to take proactive measures to mitigate their impacts.
  3. Competitive advantage: Companies that demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility can gain a competitive advantage in the market. BRSR reporting helps companies differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract socially responsible investors and customers.
  4. Regulatory compliance: In India, SEBI has made BRSR reporting mandatory for certain companies. By complying with these regulations, companies can avoid legal and regulatory penalties and demonstrate their commitment to responsible business practices.
  5. Improved reputation: BRSR reporting helps companies improve their reputation among stakeholders by demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. This can help them attract and retain customers, investors, and employees.

Each of these categories includes several sub-categories that companies must report on. For example, the Environmental category includes sub-categories such as Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Water, and Biodiversity. The Social category includes sub-categories such as Human Rights, Labor Practices, Product Responsibility, and Community Development. By reporting on these categories and sub-categories, companies can provide stakeholders with a comprehensive understanding of their sustainability and social responsibility practices.

Published On: June 24th, 2020 / Categories: Uncategorized /