

Measure your current ESG performance and identify areas for improvement.

Quantify your organization’s carbon emissions and identify opportunities to reduce them.

Identify and measure emissions from your entire value chain to develop a comprehensive carbon reduction plan.

Assess and quantify the social and environmental impact of your organization’s activities.


Develop a customized ESG strategy that aligns with your organization’s values and business goals.

Develop a comprehensive plan to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in your operations and value chain.

Identify and prioritize ESG risks and opportunities that are material to your organization and develop strategies to address them.

Identify and quantify climate-related risks to your business operations and develop a plan to mitigate them.



Develop an actionable roadmap to implement your ESG strategy and achieve your sustainability goals.

Monitor your progress towards your ESG and sustainability goals with periodic progress reports.

Purchase high-quality carbon offsets to offset your organization’s carbon emissions.

Invest in carbon reduction and sequestration projects to support the transition to a low-carbon economy


Prepare ESG reports that comply with industry-leading reporting frameworks and standards.

Develop a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy to communicate your organization’s ESG performance and goals to stakeholders.

Identify and prioritize ESG risks and opportunities that are material to your organization and develop strategies to address them.

Identify and quantify climate-related risks to your business operations and develop a plan to mitigate them.


Standards we work with

Here’s a brief overview of some of the ESG standards and frameworks we implement


Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

The GRI is a comprehensive framework used by companies to disclose their economic, environmental, and social performance. It includes reporting guidelines and indicators that are widely recognized and used around the world.

SASB Standards

Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

The SASB provides industry-specific standards for ESG reporting, with a focus on financially material issues. It aims to provide investors with decision-useful information to help them evaluate companies’ long-term sustainability.


Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

The TCFD was established by the Financial Stability Board to provide a framework for companies to disclose their climate-related risks and opportunities. It includes recommendations for reporting on governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.

United Nations Global Impact

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

The UNGC is a voluntary initiative for companies to commit to ten principles related to human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. It provides a framework for companies to align their strategies and operations with universal principles on sustainability and responsible business practices.

Carbon Disclosure Project

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

The CDP provides a platform for companies to disclose their environmental impacts, particularly on climate change. It aims to help investors and other stakeholders make informed decisions based on companies’ environmental performance.

Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report

Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR)

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs in India has introduced guidelines that encourage companies to report on their sustainability performance using the BRSR framework